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Discover the Imagination.  Imagine the Discovery!

From the Principal

From the principal, Mr. McKay:


The essence of The Charleston Catholic School is reflected in five core values: sharing faith, loving family, celebrating diversity, experiencing art and achieving academic excellence. Our school’s mascot is the Saints, and these core values shape the educational experience for our “Saints”.

Sharing faith is central to our students’ faith formation. Students and faculty pray together daily, attend Mass weekly, serve the community monthly, and celebrate the sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation annually. Living the Gospel message is a challenge embraced by CCS faculty, students and families.

Loving family is exemplified by our close-knit community of one class per grade level, “buddy student program” with upper & lower grades, active PTO participation in the life of the school, and volunteer service of parents and parishioners on school board, finance committee, building committee, PTO board, and athletic team coaches. Charleston Catholic is truly an extension of the family in a partnership between home and school.

Celebrating diversity is evident by the composition of our student body that represents many races, ethnic origins, cultures, and socio-economic levels. Students come to our school from all over the Greater Charleston Area, from urban, suburban and rural residential areas, to experience Catholic education on the Peninsula. Our school primarily serves Catholic parishioners but also welcomes students of other faiths, and every student is expected to grow spiritually in his or her own unique way as a child of God.

Experiencing art is a daily learning activity as students discover and develop a variety of artistic expressions. Classes in art, band, chorus, creative writing, drama, movement and music stimulate “right brain” thinking that enhances the “left brain” thinking of math and science. Our students participate in numerous artistic competitions and exhibitions to foster their talents.

Achieving academic excellence is evidenced in the classroom teaching and learning experiences every day and through “well above average” results on annual nationally standardized achievement tests. Talented and dedicated teachers challenge students to excel in their academic classes as well as in local, regional and national competitions in geography, math, science, spelling and writing. Our eighth grade graduates are well prepared for successful experiences in the area’s top rated high schools, especially at Bishop England, one of the finest Catholic high schools in the Southeast.

We look forward to you joining The Charleston Catholic School family.

Yours in Christ,

Fred McKay

School Fundraise