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Discover the Imagination.  Imagine the Discovery!

1st Grade Curriculum

1st Grade Curriculum


Links to detailed curriculum from diocese
Social Studies-Math-science
ela standards


Curriculum Overview
  • Numbers to 100
  • Understand the concepts of same, more, and fewer
  • Use concrete models to explore and identify money and subtract money
  • Analyze and solve problems using skills and strategies
  • Develop and use strategies for addition and subtraction up to 18
  • Understand counting on, counting back and using doubles
  • Work with fact families and add and subtract two-digit numbers
  • Recognize letters and consonant sounds that are used to form words
  • Identify, read and spell high frequency words used by students at the first grade level
  • Develop strategies for spelling success and connect spelling to writing
Language Arts
  • Recognize word order in sentences and identify declarative and interrogative sentence types
  • Identify and recognize subject, predicate, complete subject and complete predicate sentence parts
  • Understand and define the meaning of nouns, verbs and adjectives
  • Identify present and past verb tenses
  • Demonstrate an understanding of language arts mechanics, capitalization and punctuation.
  • Students learn to read
  • Use phonics to know the letter shapes, names and sounds and learn to blend sounds to make words
  • Understand that words can be put together to form sentences, paragraphs and stories
  • Read and learn the meanings of unfamiliar words
  • Use phonetic cues to decode meanings
  • Demonstrate an understanding of sequence; all stories have a beginning, middle, and end
  • Understand the differences between “make-believe” stories and “real-life” stories
  • Read a variety of literary forms to include fiction and nonfiction
  • Read for sustained periods of time and select books for personal reading interests
  • Understand that the Church is God’s House, demonstrate reverence for the Church’s sacred place
  • Understand that we are the church, God’s family, the people of God, the Body of Christ
  • Understand that we are called to be honest and fair with all people
  • Develop an understanding of: Baptism, Eucharist, Gospel, Grace, Resurrection, Sin, Altar, Crucifix, Forgiveness, Advent, Christian, Catholic, Creation, and Kingdom of God
Social Studies
  • That every person and family is unique and special
  • That every family has rules
  • That families work together, cooperate and share
  • Realize that families live both in the United States and other lands
  • Recognize that all people have basic needs for food, clothing, shelter and affection
  • Distinguish between needs and wants
  • Realize that people earn money to pay for their needs and wants
  • Realize that every neighborhood is different
  • Describe the major types of land forms and bodies of water found in the United States
  • Define resources as materials form the earth that people use to meet their needs
  • Identify the planet where we live as Earth
  • Identify the four cardinal directions as North, South, East, and West
  • Know about plants and what makes them alike, different, shapes, groups, leaves, and how to determine the age of a tree
  • Know the life cycle of a plant
  • Identify and explain the concept of “growing up”, understand that people change as they grow
  • Recognize the components that form weather
  • Identify and describe the water cycle