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6th Grade Curriculum

6th Grade Curriculum

detailed curriculum from diocese
math-science-social studies
ela standards



In 6th grade religion students study the Old Testament. The course is an introduction and survey of books, passages, themes, and people introduced in the Old Testament. The course also follows the liturgical year; reviewing the Sunday gospel each week and attending to Feasts, Solemnities and Memorials in the Church year. Topics include:
• Creation and the forming of the Covenant.
• The Exodus Experience
• The Ten Commandments
• The Beatitudes
• Major and Minor Prophets
• Literary Forms of Sacred Scripture.
• The Covenant Fulfilled in Jesus
• The Beginning of the Church


Mathematics skills are important tools that your child will use throughout his or her life. These skills encompass more than just the computation of numbers. To build student’s strength in the use of mathematical processes, instruction in these areas will be incorporated:
• The use of mathematics to solve problems
• An application to logical reasoning to justify procedures and solutions
• An involvement in the design analysis of multiple representations to learn, make connections among and communicate about the ideas within and outside of mathematics.
The student will:
• Develop an understanding and fluency with multiplication and division of fractions and decimals
• Connect ratios and rates to multiplication and division
• Write, interpret, and use mathematical expressions and equations

Social Studies

Each quarter has been divided up into two units from their textbooks, and five chapters each unit. Therefore, the year is balanced to make it through the entire textbook and if we come up short, they will miss the most recent World history. Hence, they will understand the foundations and basics of World Social Studies.

Language Arts

• Review parts of speech with emphasis on adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and verb tenses
• Review grammar with emphasis on sentence punctuation, commas, semi-colons, capitalization and conversational writing
• Short journal jottings 2-3 times a week
• One major essays (Descriptive, Narrative, Comparison/Contrast) with 3-4 minor essays during quarter
• Business letter
• Review of basic comprehension skills with emphasis on theme, setting, graphics, and literature terms
• Greek Mythology
• Reference materials (with library)
• Text stories as well as novel studies (3-4 per year)
• Book reports: reported in written, dramatic, and artistic form (3 per quarter)
• Poetry Unit (every other year)


In sixth grade science, students delve more deeply into the three areas of life, earth and physical sciences. They are challenged and encouraged to gain a more advanced understanding of these areas and participate regularly in hands-on activities and demonstrations. Topics for sixth graders include:
• Ecosystems
• Levels of organization of living things
• Introduction to genetics
• Earth’s moving crust
• Geologic time
• Properties and changes of matter
• Heat energy
• Electricity and magnetism
• Work and machines

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