Discover the Imagination. Imagine the Discovery!
7th Grade Curriculum
7th Grade Curriculum
detailed curriculum from diocese
math-science-social studies
ela standards
The main topics of study in 7th grade religion are the New Testament during the first semester and Prayer and the Sacraments during the second semester. The course also follows the liturgical year; reviewing the Sunday gospel each week and attending to Feasts, Solemnities and Memorials in the Church year.
First semester topics include:
• Life in Jesus’ Time
• The Gospels
• Jesus the Miracle Worker
• Jesus the Teacher
• The Paschal Mystery
Second semester topics include:
• Review of the Sacraments
• Mary and the Saints
• Prayer
Students will completecomplete two units from their textbooks each quarter. They will also read two novels each quarter, one as a class, and one individually. Also, the teacher will provide supplementary readings to the textbooks and the students will do their own research. This will require them to gather many sources and analyze them for a major project.
Language Arts
The students will cover 3-4 vocabulary units each quarter. They will write an essay for each example of writing covered in the textbook. They will have rough drafts and have to learn how to revise them. They will also be quizzed on the tools of writing and grammar. Their semester exams will be essays. They will also have journals. They will have one major research paper that will be collected the final day of class.
In seventh grade science, the focus is on life sciences. Independent study skills are also emphasized and students are taught critical reading skills in the content area that will prepare them for higher-level science coursescourses . Students investigate various concepts in depth including:
• Biological Processes
• The Kingdoms of Life
• Interactions Between Living Things
• Structure and Function of Living Things
Social Studies
In Curriculum Standards for Studies: Expectations of Excellence, the National Council for the Social Studies identified 10 themes that serve as organizing strands for the social studies curriculum. These themes are interrelated and draw from all of the social science disciplines. Each theme provides student performance expectations in the areas of knowledge, processes and attitudes. Students will study the follow themes and concepts:
• Culture and traditions
• Continuity and Change
• Geography and History
• Individual Action
• Groups and Institutions
• Government and Democracy
• Economic Factors
• Science and Technology
• Global Connections
• Civil Rights and Responsibilities
Pre Algebra
Mathematics skills are important tools that your child will use throughout his or her life. These skills encompass more than just the computation of numbers. To build student’s strength in the use of mathematical processes, instruction in these areas will be incorporated.
• The use of mathematics to solve problems
• An application to logical reasoning to justify procedures and solutions
• An involvement in the design analysis of multiple representations to learn, make connections among and communicate about the ideas within and outside of mathematics
The student will:
• Develop an understanding and applying proportionality and similarity
• Develop an understanding of and using formulas to determine surface area and volume of three-dimensional shapes
• Develop an understanding of operations on all rational numbers and solving linear equations